Equipment catalogue
Communication devices and assistive technology (AT) available for hire by individuals, speech pathologist and occupational therapist.
Access 1
Fidget Toys 1
Communication Accessories 5
Keyguards 11
Communication Devices 39
iPad hire for NDIS 5
Computer Access 32
Switches & Interfaces 15
Environmental Control 1
Interactive Play & Learn 8
Literacy 1
Mounting Systems 7
Miscellaneous 1

Setup Fee (required for iPad hire)


Keyguard - Hire

Speech Case for iPad

TD Snap PODD 15 Keyguard

PODD - available in TD Snap, Grid for iPad & SimPODD apps

BIG Mack

GoTalk Now

Grid for iPad (includes PODD pagesets)

LAMP Words for Life


APPlicator iPad Switch Interface

Guided Hands®

Specs Switch

Proloquo2go 5 x 9 Keyguard